Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona

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The maid of the mill (Die schöne Müllerin) [Música impresa] : Op. 25 / F. Schubert

Autoria: Schubert, FranzTipus de material: PartituraPartituraPublisher number: 8900APublication details: London : Augener , [s.a.]Descripció: 1 partitura (73 p.) ; 29 cmMatèria/es: Cançons | Piano | Cançons de bressol | PartituresNotes: Per a veu i piano;
A coberta : Original edition;
A portada : Vocal works
Nota de llengua: Text en : anglès i alemany
Conté: Wandering (Das Wandern) ; Wither? (Wohin?) ; Halt by the brook (Halt) ; Acknowledgement to the brook (Danksagung an den Bach) ; After work (Am Feierabend) ; The inquiser (Der Neugierige) ; Thine is my heart! (Ungeduld) / English words by Paul England. Morning greeting (Morgengruss) ; The miller's flowers (Des Müllers Blumen) ; Tear drops (Thränenregen) ; Mine (Mein) ; Pause (Pause) ; The green ribbon (Mit dem grünen Lautenbande) ; The hunter (Der Jäger) ; Jealousy and pride (Eifersucht und Stolz) ; The favorite colour (Die liebe Farbe) ; The odious colour (Die böse Farbe) ; Withered flowers (Trock'ne Blumen) ; The miller and the brook (Der Müller und der Bach) ; The brook lullaby (Des Baches Wiegenlied)
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Per a veu i piano

A coberta : Original edition

A portada : Vocal works

Conté: Wandering (Das Wandern) ; Wither? (Wohin?) ; Halt by the brook (Halt) ; Acknowledgement to the brook (Danksagung an den Bach) ; After work (Am Feierabend) ; The inquiser (Der Neugierige) ; Thine is my heart! (Ungeduld) / English words by Paul England. Morning greeting (Morgengruss) ; The miller's flowers (Des Müllers Blumen) ; Tear drops (Thränenregen) ; Mine (Mein) ; Pause (Pause) ; The green ribbon (Mit dem grünen Lautenbande) ; The hunter (Der Jäger) ; Jealousy and pride (Eifersucht und Stolz) ; The favorite colour (Die liebe Farbe) ; The odious colour (Die böse Farbe) ; Withered flowers (Trock'ne Blumen) ; The miller and the brook (Der Müller und der Bach) ; The brook lullaby (Des Baches Wiegenlied)

Text en : anglès i alemany

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