Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona

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The oratorio anthology [Música impresa] : tenor / compiled and edited by Richard Walters

Autoria addicional: Walters, Richard | Bach, Carl Philipp Emmanuel | Bach, Johann Sebastian | Beethoven, Ludwig van | Bruckner, Anton | Gounod, Charles | Händel, Georg Friedrich | Haydn, Joseph | Mendelssohn - Bartholdy, Felix | Puccini, Giacomo | Rossini, Gioacchino | Saint - Saëns, Camille | Verdi, Giuseppe | Vivaldi, AntonioTipus de material: PartituraPartituraPublisher number: 00747060Col·lecció: The vocal libraryPublication details: Milwaukee : Hal Leonard Corporation , cop. 1994Descripció: 1 partitura (213 p.) ; 26 cmMatèria/es: Oratoris | Fragments | Cants sacres (Veu aguda) | Piano | PartituresNotes: Per a veu i piano
Conté: Quia fecit mihi magna, from Magnificat / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Deposuit potentes, from Magnificat ; Benedictus, from Mass, in B minor ; Ach, mein Sinn, from Passio secundum Joannem (St. John Passion) (Johannespassion) ; Geduld, Geduld (Be still, be still), from Passio secundum Matthaeum (St. Matthew Passion) (Matthäuspassion) ; Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet (Haste, ye shepherds), from Weinachts - Oratorium (Christmas Oratorio) / Johann Sebastian Bach. Meine Seele ist erschüttert, from Christus am ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives) / Ludwig van Beethoven. Te ergo quaesumus, from Te Deum laudamus / Anton Bruckner. Santus, from Messe solenelle de Ste. Cécile (St. Cecilia Mass) / Charles Gounod. Gentle airs, melodious strains !, from Athalia ; The enemy said, from Israel in Egypt ; Waft her, angels / Jephtha ; Sound an alarm! / Judas Maccabaeus. Comfort ye, my people. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted, from Messiah ; Behold, and see if there be any sorrow ; But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell, from Messiah ; Thou shalt break them , from Messiah ; Total eclipse, from Samson / George Frideric Handel. Hier steht der Wand'rer nun (The trav'ler stands perplexed), from Die Jahreszeiten (The seasons) ; Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan (In native worth), from Die Schöpfung (The Creation) ; Fac me cruce custodiri, from Stabat Mater / Franz Joseph Haydn. If with all your hearts (So ihr mich von ganzen Herzen suchet), from Elijah ; Then shall the righteous shine forth (Dann warden die Gerechten leuchten), from Elijah, Strikke des Todes (The sorrows of death), from Lobgesang (Hymn of praise). Sei getreu bis in den Tod (Be thou faithful unto death), from Paulus (St. Paul) / Felix Mendelssohn. Gratias agimus tibi, from Messa di Gloria / Giacomo Puccini. Domine Deus, from Messe solennelle ; Cujus animam, from Stabat Mater / Gioacchino Rossini. Domine, ego credidi, from Oratorio de Noël (Christmas Oratorio) / Camille Saint - Saëns. Ingemisco, from Messa di Requiem / Giuseppe Verdi. Peccator videbit, from Beatus vir / Antonio Vivaldi
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Partitura Partitura Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona
Sala de Consulta
Partitures d'orgue CONS MVR Ora /3 (Explora prestatgeria(S'obre sota)) Disponible 1029051

Per a veu i piano

Conté: Quia fecit mihi magna, from Magnificat / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Deposuit potentes, from Magnificat ; Benedictus, from Mass, in B minor ; Ach, mein Sinn, from Passio secundum Joannem (St. John Passion) (Johannespassion) ; Geduld, Geduld (Be still, be still), from Passio secundum Matthaeum (St. Matthew Passion) (Matthäuspassion) ; Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet (Haste, ye shepherds), from Weinachts - Oratorium (Christmas Oratorio) / Johann Sebastian Bach. Meine Seele ist erschüttert, from Christus am ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives) / Ludwig van Beethoven. Te ergo quaesumus, from Te Deum laudamus / Anton Bruckner. Santus, from Messe solenelle de Ste. Cécile (St. Cecilia Mass) / Charles Gounod. Gentle airs, melodious strains !, from Athalia ; The enemy said, from Israel in Egypt ; Waft her, angels / Jephtha ; Sound an alarm! / Judas Maccabaeus. Comfort ye, my people. Ev'ry valley shall be exalted, from Messiah ; Behold, and see if there be any sorrow ; But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell, from Messiah ; Thou shalt break them , from Messiah ; Total eclipse, from Samson / George Frideric Handel. Hier steht der Wand'rer nun (The trav'ler stands perplexed), from Die Jahreszeiten (The seasons) ; Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan (In native worth), from Die Schöpfung (The Creation) ; Fac me cruce custodiri, from Stabat Mater / Franz Joseph Haydn. If with all your hearts (So ihr mich von ganzen Herzen suchet), from Elijah ; Then shall the righteous shine forth (Dann warden die Gerechten leuchten), from Elijah, Strikke des Todes (The sorrows of death), from Lobgesang (Hymn of praise). Sei getreu bis in den Tod (Be thou faithful unto death), from Paulus (St. Paul) / Felix Mendelssohn. Gratias agimus tibi, from Messa di Gloria / Giacomo Puccini. Domine Deus, from Messe solennelle ; Cujus animam, from Stabat Mater / Gioacchino Rossini. Domine, ego credidi, from Oratorio de Noël (Christmas Oratorio) / Camille Saint - Saëns. Ingemisco, from Messa di Requiem / Giuseppe Verdi. Peccator videbit, from Beatus vir / Antonio Vivaldi

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