Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona

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Orchestral music in the 20th century (Musik im 20. Jahrhundert) [Enregistrament vídeo] : a conducted tour / by Simon Rattle ; director : Peter West , Deborah May i Barrie Gavin

Autoria addicional: Palmer, Felicity | Kremer, Gidon | Rattle, Simon | West, Peter | Otter, Anne Sofie von | Donohoe, Peter | Loriod, Jeanne | Lawson, Rex | Ariken, Lydia | Wagner, Richard | Schoenberg, Arnold | Mahler, Gustav | Strauss, Richard | Webern, Anton | Berg, Alban | Stravinski, Igor | Varèse, Edgar | Ligeti, György | Reich, Steve | Boulez, Pierre | Messiaen, Olivier | Nancarrow, Conlon | Debussy, Claude | Takemitsu, Töru | Ravel, Maurice | May, Deborah | Gavin, Barrie | White, Willard | Bartók, Béla | Shostakovich, Dmitry | Lutoslawski, Witold | Gershwin, George | Ives, Charles | Cage, John | Carter, Elliott | Feldman, Morton | Copland, Aaron | Adam, John | Weill, Kurt Julian | Riley, Terry | Bernstein, Leonard | Rolfe Johnson, Anthony | Marshall, Wayne | Roocroft, Amanda | Mazura, Franz | Carewe, John | Harding, Daniel | Stockhausen, Karlheinz | Britten, Benjamin | Berio, Luciano | City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra | London SinfoniettaTipus de material: Material audiovisualMaterial audiovisualCol·lecció: Leaving home (Die Revolution der Klänge)Publication details: Leipzig : Arthaus Musik , [s.a.]Descripció: 7 v. : col., soMatèria/es: Orquestra | Cors profans (Veus mixtes) | Música electrònica | Òperes | Ballets | Fragments | Obertures | Sextets | Instruments de corda | Simfonies | Concerts | Conjunts de percussió | Preludis | Orquestra de corda | Conjunts instrumentals | Rapsòdies | Música de pel.lícules | Cançons (Veu aguda) | Monòlegs amb música | Cançons (Veu greu) | Piano | Celesta | Percussió | Violí | Viola | Violoncel | ContrabaixNotes: Intèrprets : Del volum 1 : Felicity Palmer, mezzo - soparno ; Gidon Kremer, violí ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 2 : Anne Sophie von Otter, mezzo - soprano ; Peter Donohoe, piano ; Jeanne Loriod, Ondes Martenot ; Rex Lawson, piano ; Lydia Ariken , ballarina ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 3 : City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 4 : Anne Sofie von Otter, mezzo - soprano ; Willard White, baix ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 5 : Anthony Rolfe Johnson, tenor ; Wayne Marshall, piano ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 6 : Anthony Rolfe Johnson, tenor ; Amanda Roocroft, soprano ; Franz Marura, narrador ; John Carewe i Daniel Harding ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 7 : London Sinfonietta Voices ; Terry Edwards ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle;
Cada volum consta de : un videodisc i un fullet (en anglès, francès i alemany)
Nota de llengua: En anglès i alemany, amb subtítols en : francès, italià, japonès i castellà
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DVD Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona
Sala de Consulta
DVD CONS DVD 116 (Explora prestatgeria(S'obre sota)) (Vol. 7) Disponible 1035320

Intèrprets : Del volum 1 : Felicity Palmer, mezzo - soparno ; Gidon Kremer, violí ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 2 : Anne Sophie von Otter, mezzo - soprano ; Peter Donohoe, piano ; Jeanne Loriod, Ondes Martenot ; Rex Lawson, piano ; Lydia Ariken , ballarina ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 3 : City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 4 : Anne Sofie von Otter, mezzo - soprano ; Willard White, baix ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 5 : Anthony Rolfe Johnson, tenor ; Wayne Marshall, piano ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 6 : Anthony Rolfe Johnson, tenor ; Amanda Roocroft, soprano ; Franz Marura, narrador ; John Carewe i Daniel Harding ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle. Del volum 7 : London Sinfonietta Voices ; Terry Edwards ; City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra ; Simon Rattle

Cada volum consta de : un videodisc i un fullet (en anglès, francès i alemany)

Conté: Volum1 : Dancing on a Volcano (Tanz auf dem Vulkan). Volume 2 : Rhythm (Rhytmus). Volum 3 : Colour (Klangfarbe). Volum 4 : Three journeys through dark landscapes (Drei Schicksale). Volume 5 : The American way (Made in America). Volume 6 : After the wake (Nach der Katastrophe). Volume 7 : Threads (Zu neuen Ufern)

En el volum 1 hi ha fragments de : Overture to Tristan und Isolde / Richard Wagner. Verklärte Nacht (Transfigured night) / Arnold Schönberg. Symphony No. 7, in E minor / Gustav Mahler. Five orchestral pieces - Op. 16 / Arnold Schönberg. Elektra / Richard Strauss. Five pieces for orchestra - Op. 10 / Anton Webern. Violin concerto "Dem Andenken eines Engels" / Alban Berg. En el volum 2 hi ha fragments de : Le sacre du printemps / Igor Stravinsky. Ionisation / Edgar Varèse. Atmosphères / György Ligeti. Music for piece of wood / Steve Reich. Rituel in memoriam Bruno maderna / Pierre Boulez. Turangalila - Symphony / Olivier Messiaen. Das Lied von der Erde / Gustav Mahler. Piano Roll No. 21 / Conlon Nancarrow. En el volum 3 hi ha fragments de : Prélude à l'après - midi d'un faune / Claude Debussy. Firebird suite / Igor STravinsky. Five orchestral pieces - Op. 16 / Arnold Schönberg. Notations for piano / Pierre Boulez. Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum / Olivier Messiaen. Jeux / Claude Debussy. Dream / Window/ Toru Takemitsu. Daphnis et Chloé / Maurice Ravel. En el volum 4 hi ha fragments de : Bleubeard's castle ; Music for strings ; Percussion and celesta ; Concerto for orchestra / Béla Bartók. Symphony No. 4, 5 and 14 / Dmitri Shostakowitsch. Concerto for orchestra ; Jeux venetiens ; Symphony No. 3 / Witold Lutoslawski. En el volum 5 hi ha fragments de : Rhapsody in Blue / George Gershwin. Decoration day / CHarles Ives. Construction (in metal) / John Cage. A celebration of some 100 x 150 notes / Elliott Carter. Mme Press died last week at 90 / Morton Feldman. Appalachian spring / Aaron Copland. Harmonium / John Adams. Lonely house (from Street scene) / Kurt Weill. In C / Terry Riley. Symphonic dances (from West side story) / Leonard Bernstein. En el volum 6 hi ha fragments de : Four last songs / Richard Strauss. A survivor from Warsaw / Arnold Schoenberg. Five pieces for orchestra - Op. 10 / Anton Webern. Le marteau sans maître / Pierre Boulez. Gruppen / Karlheinz Stockhausen. Serenade for tenor, horn and strings / Benjamin Britten. Agon / Igor Stravinsky. En el volum 7 hi ha fragments de : Laborintus II / Luciano Berio. Symphony No. 8 / Hans Werner Henze. Grabstein für Stefan / György Kurtág. Ritual fragment / Harrison Birtwistle. Drowned out / Mark - Anthony Turnage. Flourish with fireworks / Olivier Messiaen. Zeit gestalten / Sofia Gubaidulina

En anglès i alemany, amb subtítols en : francès, italià, japonès i castellà

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