Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona

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Operas & 35 Songs [Enregistrament sonor] / Igor Stravinsky

Autoria: Stravinski, IgorAutoria addicional: Driscoll, Loren | Grist, Reri | Beattie, Herbert | Bonazzi, Elaine | Kaiser, Karl | Lear, Evelyn | Berberian, Cathy | Albert, Adrienne | Young, Alexander | Craft, Robert | Smith, Kenneth | Gramm, Donald | Kolk, Stanley | Murphy, William | Belinck, Susan | Simmons, Mary | Rideout, Patricia | Smith, Gregg | Di Tullio, Louise | Remsen, Dorothy | Almeida , Laurindo | Kreiselman, Jack | Russo, Charles | Opera Society of Washington | CBC Symphony Orchestra | Columbia Symphony Orchestra | Gregg Smith Singers | Columbia Chamber EnsembleTipus de material: Enregistrament sonorEnregistrament sonorPublisher number: SM2K 46298Publication details: [s.l.] : Sony Classical , P1991Descripció: 2 discs sonors (CD) ; 12 cm + 1 fullet (133 p.)Matèria/es: Òperes | Cançons | Quartets | Cançons (Veu aguda) | Cançons (Veu mitjana) | Elegies | Cançons de bressol | Piano | Clarinet | Flauta travessera | Trompa | Arpa | GuitarraNotes: Intèrprets : De la primera òpera : Loren Driscoll, Fisherman ; Reri Grist, Nightingale ; Marina Picassi, Cook ; Kenneth Smith, Chamberlaine ; Herbert Beattie, Bonze ; Donald Gramm, Emperor of China ; Elaine Bonazzi, Death ; Stanley Kolk, William Murphy i carl Kaiser, Japanese envoys ; Chorus and Orchestra of the Opera Society of Washington, D.C. ; Igor Stravinsky. De la segona òpera : Susan Belinck, Parasha ; Mary Simmons, Mare ; Patricia Rideout, Veí ; Stanley Kolk, Cuiner ; CBC Symphony Orchestra ; Igor Stravinsky. De les cançons [De la primera a la tercera : Mary Simmons, mezzo - soprano ; CBC Symphony Orchestra. De la quarta i cinquena : Donald Gramm, baríton ; Columbia Symphony Orchestra. De la sisena a la desena i la 38 : Evelyn Lear, soprano ; Columbia Symphony Orchestra. De la onzena a la disetena : Cathy Berverian, mezzo - soprano ; Columbia Symphony Orchestra. De la 18 a la 21 i de la 30 a la 32 : Cathy Berberian, soprano ; Columbia Chamber Ensemble. De la 22 a la 25 : Gregg Smith Singers ; Gregg Simth. De la 26 a la 29 : Adrienne Albert, mezzo - soprano ; Louise di Tullio, flauta travessera ; Dorothy Remsen, arpa ; Laurindo Almeida, guitarra. De la 33 a la 35 : Alexander Young, tenor ; Columbia Chamber Ensemble. De la 36 : Cathy Berberian, mezzo - soprano ; Paul E. Howland, Jack Kreiselman i Charles Russo, clarinet. De la 37 : Adrienne Albert, soprano ; Robert Craft, pianoNota de llengua: Al fullet hi ha el texte de les obres, en : anglès, alemany, francès i rus
Conté: Operas [The Nightingale (Die Nachtigall) (Le Rossignol) : lyric tale, in three acts / libretto : Igor Stravinsky & S.M. Mitusov, after H.C. Andersen. Mavra (Mawra) : opera buffa, in one act / libretto : Boris Kochno, after Pushkin]. 35 Songs [Faun and Shepherdess [The shepherdess ; The faun ; The torrent] / Text : A. Pushkin. Two poems [The white moon shiones in the woods ; Slep] / Text : Paul Verlaine. Two poems [The flower ; The dove] / Text : Konstantin Bal'mont. Three Japanese lyrics [Akahito ; Mazatsumi ; Tsaraiuki] ; Three little songs (Recollection of my chilhodd) [The magpie ; The rook ; The jackdaw) ; Pribaoutki (Pleasant songs) [Uncle Armand ; The oven ; The colonel ; The old man and the hare] ; Cat's cradle songs [On the stove ; At home ; Dodo ; The cat has...] ; Four Russian peasant songs [On Saints' Days in Chigisakh ; Ovsen ; The pike ; master portly] ; Four songs [The drake ; Russian spiritual ; Geese and swans ; Tilim - bom], for voice, flute, harp and gutar ; Three songs [Music to hear ; Full fathom five ; When daisies pied] / [Text von] William Shakespeare. In memoriam [Dirge - canons ; Do not go gentle into that good night ; Dirge - canons] / Text : Dylan Thomas. Elegy for J.F.K. / Text : W.H. Auden. The owl and the pussycat / Text : Edward Lear. Tilim - bom : a story of children]
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CD Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona
Sala de Consulta
CD CONS CD 3676 (Explora prestatgeria(S'obre sota)) Disponible 1038012

Intèrprets : De la primera òpera : Loren Driscoll, Fisherman ; Reri Grist, Nightingale ; Marina Picassi, Cook ; Kenneth Smith, Chamberlaine ; Herbert Beattie, Bonze ; Donald Gramm, Emperor of China ; Elaine Bonazzi, Death ; Stanley Kolk, William Murphy i carl Kaiser, Japanese envoys ; Chorus and Orchestra of the Opera Society of Washington, D.C. ; Igor Stravinsky. De la segona òpera : Susan Belinck, Parasha ; Mary Simmons, Mare ; Patricia Rideout, Veí ; Stanley Kolk, Cuiner ; CBC Symphony Orchestra ; Igor Stravinsky. De les cançons [De la primera a la tercera : Mary Simmons, mezzo - soprano ; CBC Symphony Orchestra. De la quarta i cinquena : Donald Gramm, baríton ; Columbia Symphony Orchestra. De la sisena a la desena i la 38 : Evelyn Lear, soprano ; Columbia Symphony Orchestra. De la onzena a la disetena : Cathy Berverian, mezzo - soprano ; Columbia Symphony Orchestra. De la 18 a la 21 i de la 30 a la 32 : Cathy Berberian, soprano ; Columbia Chamber Ensemble. De la 22 a la 25 : Gregg Smith Singers ; Gregg Simth. De la 26 a la 29 : Adrienne Albert, mezzo - soprano ; Louise di Tullio, flauta travessera ; Dorothy Remsen, arpa ; Laurindo Almeida, guitarra. De la 33 a la 35 : Alexander Young, tenor ; Columbia Chamber Ensemble. De la 36 : Cathy Berberian, mezzo - soprano ; Paul E. Howland, Jack Kreiselman i Charles Russo, clarinet. De la 37 : Adrienne Albert, soprano ; Robert Craft, piano

Conté: Operas [The Nightingale (Die Nachtigall) (Le Rossignol) : lyric tale, in three acts / libretto : Igor Stravinsky & S.M. Mitusov, after H.C. Andersen. Mavra (Mawra) : opera buffa, in one act / libretto : Boris Kochno, after Pushkin]. 35 Songs [Faun and Shepherdess [The shepherdess ; The faun ; The torrent] / Text : A. Pushkin. Two poems [The white moon shiones in the woods ; Slep] / Text : Paul Verlaine. Two poems [The flower ; The dove] / Text : Konstantin Bal'mont. Three Japanese lyrics [Akahito ; Mazatsumi ; Tsaraiuki] ; Three little songs (Recollection of my chilhodd) [The magpie ; The rook ; The jackdaw) ; Pribaoutki (Pleasant songs) [Uncle Armand ; The oven ; The colonel ; The old man and the hare] ; Cat's cradle songs [On the stove ; At home ; Dodo ; The cat has...] ; Four Russian peasant songs [On Saints' Days in Chigisakh ; Ovsen ; The pike ; master portly] ; Four songs [The drake ; Russian spiritual ; Geese and swans ; Tilim - bom], for voice, flute, harp and gutar ; Three songs [Music to hear ; Full fathom five ; When daisies pied] / [Text von] William Shakespeare. In memoriam [Dirge - canons ; Do not go gentle into that good night ; Dirge - canons] / Text : Dylan Thomas. Elegy for J.F.K. / Text : W.H. Auden. The owl and the pussycat / Text : Edward Lear. Tilim - bom : a story of children]

Text del fullet, en : anglès, alemany i francès

Al fullet hi ha el texte de les obres, en : anglès, alemany, francès i rus

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