Conservatori Municipal de Música de Barcelona

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The complete works in facsimiles of the original editions [Música impresa] / Mauro Giuliani ; edited by Brian Jeffery

Autoria: Giuliani, MauroAutoria addicional: Jeffery, Brian [, ed.] | Moscheles, Ignaz | Spontini, Gasparo | Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus | Bellini, Vincenzo | Rossini, Gioacchino | Mayseder, Joseph | Giuliani, Mauro [, arr.] | Diabelli, Anton [, arr.]Tipus de material: PartituraPartituraPublication details: London : Tecla Editions , cop. 1986-1988Descripció: v. ; 31 cmMatèria/es: Trios | Quartets | Cançons | Piano | Guitarra | Violí | Violoncel | Variacions | Rondós | Poloneses | Obertures | Viola | Instruments de corda | Flauta travessera | Marxes | Concerts | Orquestra | Cançons (Veu aguda) | Cançons (Veu greu) | Partitures | Particel.lesNotes: L'obra : Serenade - Op. 19, consta de : tres particel.les i duu : TE 502;
L' obra : La Sentinelle, consta de : una partitura i tres particel.les i duu : T. 666;
L'obra : Der Abschied..., consta de : una partitura i cinc particel.les i duu : T. 667;
L' obra : Concerto...- Op. 30, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 86;
L' obra : Concert...- Op. 36, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 88;
L' obra : Concerto...- Op. 70, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 91;
L' obra : Works...- Op. 65, 101, 102, 103, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 93;
Del volum 1 al 18 consten de : una partitura. Duen : TE061 (Vol. 1), TE062 (Vol.2) , TE063 (Vol. 3), TE064 (Vol. 4), TE065 (Vol. 5), TE066 (Vol. 6), TE067 (Vol. 7), TE068 (Vol. 8), TE069 (Vol. 9), TE070 (Vol. 10), TE071 (Vol. 11), TE072 (Vol. 12), TE073 (Vol. 13), TE074 (Vol. 14), TE075 (Vol. 15), TE076 (Vol. 16), TE077 (Vol. 17), TE078 (Vol. 18), TE099 (Vol. 39);
Les cinc obres que componen el volum 34 consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE554 (Vol. 34, Op.65), TE557 (Vol. 34, Op.68), TE587 (Vol. 34, Op. 93), TE601 (Vol. 34, Op. 104) i TE646 (Vol. 34, Grand duo...);
Els volums 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 i 24 consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE79 (Vol. 19), TE80 (Vol. 20), TE81 (Vol. 21), TE82 (Vol. 22), TE83 (Vol. 23), TE84 (Vol. 24);
El volum 35, en els Op. : 24a, 52, 53, 63, 74, 76 i 77, consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE507 (Op. 24a), TE540 (Op. 52), TE541 (Op. 53), TE551 (Op. 63), TE567 (Op. 74), TE570 (Op. 76), TE571 (Op. 77). El volum 35, Op. 75 consta de : una, ja que està incolet i duu : TE569;
El volum 36, en els Op. : 81, 84, 126 i Duo..., consten de : tres particel.les i duen : TE575 (Op. 81), TE578 (Op. 84), TE622 (Op. 126) i TE661 (Duo...). El volum 36, en els Op. : 82, 85, 86, 127, Original..., Polonese, Seconde polonaise..., consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE576 (Op. 82), TE579 (Op. 85), TE580 (Op. 86), TE623 (Op. 127), TE662 (Original...), TE663 (Polonese...) i TE664 (Seconde polonaise). El volum 36, a l'obra "Qual mesto...", consta de : una partitura i duu : TE665;
El volum 25, Op. 30 consta de : 17 particel.les i duu : TE85;
El volum 30, Op. 70 consta de : 17 particel.les i duu : TE90.;
El volum 27, Op. 30 consta de : dues particel.les i duu : TE87;
El volum 29, Op. 36 consta de : dues particel.les i duu : TE89;
El volum 32, Op. 70 consta de : 2 particel.les i duu : TE92;
El volum 37 consta de : una partitura en tots els opus, excepte l' Op. 149 que consta de : una partitura i dues particel.les. Duu : TE495 (Op. 13), TE505 (Op. 22), TE511 (Op. 27), TE527 (Op. 39), TE573 (Op. 79), TE583 (Op. 89), TE589 (Op. 95), TE634 (Op. 151), TE635 (Op. 151bis), TE632 (Op. 149).;
El volum 38, consta de : una partitura i duu : TE669 (Four...) i TE668 (Eight...)
Conté: Volume 1 : Studio per la chitarra - Opus 1. Volume 2 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 2 to 12 inclusive : Six variations - Op. 2 ; Three Rondos - Op. 3 ; Six variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" - Op. 4 ; New rondo, in original style, imitating the sound of the bells of Bologna - Op. 5 ; Eight variations - Op. 6 ; Six variations on a theme from "Die feindlichen Volksstämme" - Op. 7 ; Three Rondos - Opus 8 ; Six variations - Op. 9 ; Amusements - Op. 10 ; Caprice - Op.11 ; Twelve Monferrine - Opus 12. Volume 3 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 14, 15, 16b, 18, 20, 21 and 23 : Six progressive rondos - Opus 14 ; Sonata - Opus 15 ; Vari pezzi del Balletto "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" - Opus 16b ; Three Rondos - Opus 17 ; First Potpourri - Opus 18 ; Six variations on an original theme - Opus 20 ; Twelve Waltzes - Opus 21 ; Twelve new Wald - Ländler - Opus 23. Volume 4 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 24b, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, qnd 34 : Fourteen National Dances and Three Marches - Opus 24b ; Pot-Pourri - Opus 26 ; Pot-Pourri - Opus 28 ; Divertissements - Opus 29 ; Troisième Grand Pot - Pourri - Opus 31 ; Six easy variations - Opus 32 ; Twelve Ecossaises - Opus 33 ; Six variations - Opus 34. Volume 5 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 : Divertimenti - Opus 37 ; Variations on a "Schisserl und a Reindl" - Opus 38 ; Divertimenti - Opus 40 ; Niaiserie d' Enfant varié - Opus 41 ; Quatrième Pot - Pourri - Opus 42 ; Les Variétés Amusantes - Opus 43 ; Twelve Ländler - Opus 44. Volume 6 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50 : Six variations on "Folies d' Espagne" - Opus 45 ; Choix de mes fleurs chéries - Opus 46 ; Twelve easy variations on a Austrian national air - Opus 47 ; Esercizio - Opus 48 ; Six variations on " I bin a Kohlbauern Bub " - Opus 49 ; Le Papillon - Opus 50. Volume 7 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 51, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, and 60 : XVIII Leçons progressives - Opus 51 ; Les variétés Amusantes ou Recueil de pièces faciles - Opus 54 ; Divertimenti - Opus 56 ; 12 Walzer - Opus 57 ; Six Ländler, Six Valses et six Ecossaises - Opus 58 ; Recueil de pièces faciles et agréables - Opus 59 ; XI Variazioni per chitarra sul Tema originale Ruso - Opus 60. Volume 8 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 61, 62, 64, 70, 71, 72, and 73 : Grande Ouverture - Opus 61 ; Six variations on an original theme - Opus 62 ; Six variations on the Russian air " Poschaluite sudarina " - Opus 64 ; Variations (from the Guitar Concerto , Opus 70) - Opus 70 ; Three Sonatinas - Opus 71 ; Eight variations on an air from the opera " Jeannot et Colin " - Opus 72 ; Bagatelles - Opus 73. Volume 9 : Opus numbers 78, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, and 97 : Divertissements - Opus 78 ; Six Preludes - Opus 83 ; Six variations on "Di tanti palpiti" from Rossini's tancredi - Opus 87 ; Grandes variations sur la Romance favourite de l' Opera Fanchon - Opus 88 ; 12 Walzer - Opus 90 ; Variations on " La Sentinelle" - Opus 91 ; Trois sonates brillantes, faciles et agréables - Opus 96 ; Variations on " Ich bin liederlich - Du bist liederlich " - Opus 97. Volume 10 : Opus numbers 98, 99, 100, 101, and 102 : Studi Dilettevoli ossia Raccolta di vari pezzi originali - opus 98 ; Variations on " Das ist alles eins, ob wir Geld haben oder keins " - Opus 99 ; Etudes instruyctives, faciles et agréables…contenant un Recueil de Cadences, Caprices, Rondeaux, et Préludes - Opus 100 ; Variations on " Deh ! calma, o ciel " from Rossini's Otello - Opus 101 ; Variations on " Nume perdonami, se in tale instante " from Generali's I Baccanali di Roma - Opus 102. Volume 11 : Opus numbers 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, and 110 : Variations on a favourite waltz - Opus 103 ; Variations on "Partant pour la Syrie" - Opus 104 ; Variations on a romance from the opera Liebe und Ruhm - Opus 105 ; Divertissement - Opus 106 ; Variations on a theme of Handel (" The harmonious blacksmith ") - Opus 107 ; Pot - pourri nazionale romano - Opus 108 ; La Caccia, grand ronò - Opus 109 ; Variations on a march by Cherubini - Opus 110. Volume 12 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, and 125 : Le ore d' Apollo - Opus 111 ; Sei grandi variazioni - Opus 112 ; Fughetta - Opus 113 ; Gran variazioni sopra l' Aria favorita : Oh! Cara memoria " - Opus 114 ; Sei variación - Opus 118 ; Sei arie nazionali irlandesa variate - Opus 125. Volume 13 ; The six Rossiniane… : Le Rossiniane, part 1 (" Rossiniana No. 1") - Opus 119 ; Le Rossiniane, part 2 ("Rossiniana No. 2") - Opus 120 ; Le Rossiniane, part 3 (Rossiniana No. 3") - Opus 121 ; Le Rossiniane (part 4) ("Rossiniana No. 4") - Opus 122 ; Le Rossiniane (part 5) ("Rossiniana No. 5") - Opus 123 ; VI. Rossiniana ("Rossiniana No. 6") - Opus 124. Volume 14 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 128, 139, and 140-145 : Variations on "Io ti vidi e t' adorai" from Pacini's Amazilia - Opus 128 ; 24 Prime Lezioni, Parte prima - Opus 139 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Chi t'ha fatto sta scarpettiella" - Opus 140 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air La Ricciolella" - Opus 141 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Sit u Nenna m' amave n' aut'anno" - Opus 142 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "È nato miezo mare " - Opus 143 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Si monaca te faje, io frate faro" - Opus 144 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Si cara, si bona, si bella e graziosa" - Opus 145. Volume 15 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 147, 147b, 148, and 150 : La Tersicore del Nord -Opus 147 ; "Tengo più di trentun' anni" - Opus 147b ; Giulianate - Opus 148 ; Gran Sonata Eroica - Opus 150. Volume 16 : Seven Works without Opus number : Marches from Trajano in Dacia, Copriolano, La vestale, and Ricardo Cordileone (WoO, G - 1) ; Rondogino brillante (WoO, G - 2) ; Tre tema favoriti con variazioni di Mdme Catalani (WoO, G - 3) ; Scelta di Quattro pezzi favoriti esequiti da Mad. Catalani (WoO, G- 4) ; Gran variación sopra un tema savojardo (WoO, (posth.), G - 1) ; Sei arie nazionali scozzesi (WoO, (posth.), G - 14) ; Variations (WoO, (posth.), G- 15). Volume 17 : Guitar solos : seven Works without opus number : Overture to Rossini's La Cenerentola, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 11) ; Cavatina "Nel furor delle tempeste" from Bellini's Il Pirata, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 14) ; Allegro cantabile from the aria "Tu vedrai la sventurata" from Bellini's Il Pirata , arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 15) ; Variations on the Allegro cantabile from the aria "Tu vedrai la sventurata" in Bellini's Il Pirata (WoO, G- 15) : Cavatina from Donizetti's opera L' Esule di Roma, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 12) ; Allegro moderato from the duet "Se a me fido ognor sarai" in Donizetti's opera L' Esule di Roma, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 13) ; Cavatina "Se d' amor fra le ritorne" from Pacini's Alessandro nelle Indie, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G- 7). Volume 18 : Guitar solos : arrangements from "Semiramide" : Overture (WoO, ), G - 5) ; "La del gange" (WoO, (posth.), G - 3) ; "Di tanti regi" (WoO, (posth.), G - 4) ; "Ah quell giorno" (WoO, (posth.), G - 5) ; "Bella imago" (WoO, (posth.), G - 6) ; "Bel raggio lusinghiero" - WoO, G - 8) ; "Serbami ognor" (WoO, G - 6) ; Seconda Marcia (WoO, G - 9) ; "Giuri ognuno (WoO, (posth.), G - 7) ; "Se la vita" (WoO, (posth.), G - 8) ; "In sa Barbara sciagura" (WoO, (posth.), G - 9) ; "Deh ti arresta" (WoO, (posth.), G - 10) ; "Al mio pregar (WoO, (posth.), G - 11) ; "L' usato ardir" (WoO, (posth.), G - 12) ; "Vieni Arsace" (WoO, (posth.), G - 13) ; La Semiramide ridotta in 12 Walzer (WoO, (posth.), G- 2 ). Vol. 19 : Six sets of Ländler for two guitars : Opus numbers 16a, 55, 75, 80, 92, and 94 : 16 Osterreichische Nazional - Ländler für zwei Guitarren - Opus 16a ; Ländler für zwey Guitarren - Opus 55 ; XII Ländler con finale per una, o due Guitarre ; 12 Laendler per due chitarre - Opus 80 ; 12 Neue Ländler für zwey Guitarren - Opus 92 ; XII Laendler per due chitarre - Opus 94. Vol. 20 : Guitar duets : Opus nombers 30, 35, 66, and 67 : Rondeau alla Pollacca (arranged from the last movement of the concerto, op. 30) ; Gran variazinoni concertanti : Milan edition, Ricorci, 1830, Vienna edition, Artaria, c. 1812 - Opus 35 ; Three Rondos - Opus 66 ; Grand Pot - Pourri - Opus 67. Vol. 21 : Opus numbers 69, 79, and 116 : La lira notturna - Op. 69 ; Polonaise from the third Concerto, op. 70 - Op. 70 ; Le avventure di amore - Op. 116.
Vol. 22 : Guitar duets : Opus numbers 130, 137, and two works without opus number [WoO 2G-3, WoO (posth.), 2G - 5] : Variazioni concertanti - opus 130 ; Tre polonese concertanti : Auswahl der beliebtesten Deutschen von Apollo - Saal [WoO, 2G - 3], Tarantella by G. Lanza, arranged by Giuliani [WoO (posth.), 2G - 5]. Vol. 23 : Three operatic overtures, arranged for two guitars : Spontini's La Vestale, Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito, Bellini's Il Pirata. Vol. 24 : Four Rossini overtures, arranged for two guitars : Elisabetta, regina d' Inghliterra, La Cenerentola, L' Assedio di Corinto, La gazza ladra. Vol. 25 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Op. 30. Vol. 26 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Opus 30 ; arranged for guitar and string quartet. Vol. 27 : Concerto for guitar - Op. 30 / arranged for guitar and piano by Anton Diabelli. Vol. 28 : Concerto for guitar and strings - Opus 36. Vol. 29 : Concerto for guitar - Op. 36 / arranged for guitar and piano by Anton Diabelli. Vol. 30 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Op. 70. Vol. 31 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Opus 70 ; arranged for guitar and string quartet. Vol. 32 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Op. 70 / arranged for guitar and piano by Anton Diabelli. Vol. 33 : Works for guitar and string quartet : Variations on Paisiello's "Nel cor più non mi sento", and Polonaise - Opus 65 ; Variations on "Deh! calma, o ciel" from Rossini's Otello - Opus 101 ; Variations on "Nume perdonami" from Generali's I Baccanali di Roma - Opus 102 ; Vari
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L'obra : Serenade - Op. 19, consta de : tres particel.les i duu : TE 502

L' obra : La Sentinelle, consta de : una partitura i tres particel.les i duu : T. 666

L'obra : Der Abschied..., consta de : una partitura i cinc particel.les i duu : T. 667

L' obra : Concerto...- Op. 30, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 86

L' obra : Concert...- Op. 36, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 88

L' obra : Concerto...- Op. 70, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 91

L' obra : Works...- Op. 65, 101, 102, 103, consta de : una partitura i quatre particel.les i duu : TE 93

Del volum 1 al 18 consten de : una partitura. Duen : TE061 (Vol. 1), TE062 (Vol.2) , TE063 (Vol. 3), TE064 (Vol. 4), TE065 (Vol. 5), TE066 (Vol. 6), TE067 (Vol. 7), TE068 (Vol. 8), TE069 (Vol. 9), TE070 (Vol. 10), TE071 (Vol. 11), TE072 (Vol. 12), TE073 (Vol. 13), TE074 (Vol. 14), TE075 (Vol. 15), TE076 (Vol. 16), TE077 (Vol. 17), TE078 (Vol. 18), TE099 (Vol. 39)

Les cinc obres que componen el volum 34 consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE554 (Vol. 34, Op.65), TE557 (Vol. 34, Op.68), TE587 (Vol. 34, Op. 93), TE601 (Vol. 34, Op. 104) i TE646 (Vol. 34, Grand duo...)

Els volums 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 i 24 consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE79 (Vol. 19), TE80 (Vol. 20), TE81 (Vol. 21), TE82 (Vol. 22), TE83 (Vol. 23), TE84 (Vol. 24)

El volum 35, en els Op. : 24a, 52, 53, 63, 74, 76 i 77, consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE507 (Op. 24a), TE540 (Op. 52), TE541 (Op. 53), TE551 (Op. 63), TE567 (Op. 74), TE570 (Op. 76), TE571 (Op. 77). El volum 35, Op. 75 consta de : una, ja que està incolet i duu : TE569

El volum 36, en els Op. : 81, 84, 126 i Duo..., consten de : tres particel.les i duen : TE575 (Op. 81), TE578 (Op. 84), TE622 (Op. 126) i TE661 (Duo...). El volum 36, en els Op. : 82, 85, 86, 127, Original..., Polonese, Seconde polonaise..., consten de : dues particel.les i duen : TE576 (Op. 82), TE579 (Op. 85), TE580 (Op. 86), TE623 (Op. 127), TE662 (Original...), TE663 (Polonese...) i TE664 (Seconde polonaise). El volum 36, a l'obra "Qual mesto...", consta de : una partitura i duu : TE665

El volum 25, Op. 30 consta de : 17 particel.les i duu : TE85

El volum 30, Op. 70 consta de : 17 particel.les i duu : TE90.

El volum 27, Op. 30 consta de : dues particel.les i duu : TE87

El volum 29, Op. 36 consta de : dues particel.les i duu : TE89

El volum 32, Op. 70 consta de : 2 particel.les i duu : TE92

El volum 37 consta de : una partitura en tots els opus, excepte l' Op. 149 que consta de : una partitura i dues particel.les. Duu : TE495 (Op. 13), TE505 (Op. 22), TE511 (Op. 27), TE527 (Op. 39), TE573 (Op. 79), TE583 (Op. 89), TE589 (Op. 95), TE634 (Op. 151), TE635 (Op. 151bis), TE632 (Op. 149).

El volum 38, consta de : una partitura i duu : TE669 (Four...) i TE668 (Eight...)

Conté: Volume 1 : Studio per la chitarra - Opus 1. Volume 2 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 2 to 12 inclusive : Six variations - Op. 2 ; Three Rondos - Op. 3 ; Six variations on "Nel cor più non mi sento" - Op. 4 ; New rondo, in original style, imitating the sound of the bells of Bologna - Op. 5 ; Eight variations - Op. 6 ; Six variations on a theme from "Die feindlichen Volksstämme" - Op. 7 ; Three Rondos - Opus 8 ; Six variations - Op. 9 ; Amusements - Op. 10 ; Caprice - Op.11 ; Twelve Monferrine - Opus 12. Volume 3 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 14, 15, 16b, 18, 20, 21 and 23 : Six progressive rondos - Opus 14 ; Sonata - Opus 15 ; Vari pezzi del Balletto "Il Barbiere di Siviglia" - Opus 16b ; Three Rondos - Opus 17 ; First Potpourri - Opus 18 ; Six variations on an original theme - Opus 20 ; Twelve Waltzes - Opus 21 ; Twelve new Wald - Ländler - Opus 23. Volume 4 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 24b, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, qnd 34 : Fourteen National Dances and Three Marches - Opus 24b ; Pot-Pourri - Opus 26 ; Pot-Pourri - Opus 28 ; Divertissements - Opus 29 ; Troisième Grand Pot - Pourri - Opus 31 ; Six easy variations - Opus 32 ; Twelve Ecossaises - Opus 33 ; Six variations - Opus 34. Volume 5 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 : Divertimenti - Opus 37 ; Variations on a "Schisserl und a Reindl" - Opus 38 ; Divertimenti - Opus 40 ; Niaiserie d' Enfant varié - Opus 41 ; Quatrième Pot - Pourri - Opus 42 ; Les Variétés Amusantes - Opus 43 ; Twelve Ländler - Opus 44. Volume 6 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 50 : Six variations on "Folies d' Espagne" - Opus 45 ; Choix de mes fleurs chéries - Opus 46 ; Twelve easy variations on a Austrian national air - Opus 47 ; Esercizio - Opus 48 ; Six variations on " I bin a Kohlbauern Bub " - Opus 49 ; Le Papillon - Opus 50. Volume 7 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 51, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, and 60 : XVIII Leçons progressives - Opus 51 ; Les variétés Amusantes ou Recueil de pièces faciles - Opus 54 ; Divertimenti - Opus 56 ; 12 Walzer - Opus 57 ; Six Ländler, Six Valses et six Ecossaises - Opus 58 ; Recueil de pièces faciles et agréables - Opus 59 ; XI Variazioni per chitarra sul Tema originale Ruso - Opus 60. Volume 8 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 61, 62, 64, 70, 71, 72, and 73 : Grande Ouverture - Opus 61 ; Six variations on an original theme - Opus 62 ; Six variations on the Russian air " Poschaluite sudarina " - Opus 64 ; Variations (from the Guitar Concerto , Opus 70) - Opus 70 ; Three Sonatinas - Opus 71 ; Eight variations on an air from the opera " Jeannot et Colin " - Opus 72 ; Bagatelles - Opus 73. Volume 9 : Opus numbers 78, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 96, and 97 : Divertissements - Opus 78 ; Six Preludes - Opus 83 ; Six variations on "Di tanti palpiti" from Rossini's tancredi - Opus 87 ; Grandes variations sur la Romance favourite de l' Opera Fanchon - Opus 88 ; 12 Walzer - Opus 90 ; Variations on " La Sentinelle" - Opus 91 ; Trois sonates brillantes, faciles et agréables - Opus 96 ; Variations on " Ich bin liederlich - Du bist liederlich " - Opus 97. Volume 10 : Opus numbers 98, 99, 100, 101, and 102 : Studi Dilettevoli ossia Raccolta di vari pezzi originali - opus 98 ; Variations on " Das ist alles eins, ob wir Geld haben oder keins " - Opus 99 ; Etudes instruyctives, faciles et agréables…contenant un Recueil de Cadences, Caprices, Rondeaux, et Préludes - Opus 100 ; Variations on " Deh ! calma, o ciel " from Rossini's Otello - Opus 101 ; Variations on " Nume perdonami, se in tale instante " from Generali's I Baccanali di Roma - Opus 102. Volume 11 : Opus numbers 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, and 110 : Variations on a favourite waltz - Opus 103 ; Variations on "Partant pour la Syrie" - Opus 104 ; Variations on a romance from the opera Liebe und Ruhm - Opus 105 ; Divertissement - Opus 106 ; Variations on a theme of Handel (" The harmonious blacksmith ") - Opus 107 ; Pot - pourri nazionale romano - Opus 108 ; La Caccia, grand ronò - Opus 109 ; Variations on a march by Cherubini - Opus 110. Volume 12 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 111, 112, 113, 114, 118, and 125 : Le ore d' Apollo - Opus 111 ; Sei grandi variazioni - Opus 112 ; Fughetta - Opus 113 ; Gran variazioni sopra l' Aria favorita : Oh! Cara memoria " - Opus 114 ; Sei variación - Opus 118 ; Sei arie nazionali irlandesa variate - Opus 125. Volume 13 ; The six Rossiniane… : Le Rossiniane, part 1 (" Rossiniana No. 1") - Opus 119 ; Le Rossiniane, part 2 ("Rossiniana No. 2") - Opus 120 ; Le Rossiniane, part 3 (Rossiniana No. 3") - Opus 121 ; Le Rossiniane (part 4) ("Rossiniana No. 4") - Opus 122 ; Le Rossiniane (part 5) ("Rossiniana No. 5") - Opus 123 ; VI. Rossiniana ("Rossiniana No. 6") - Opus 124. Volume 14 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 128, 139, and 140-145 : Variations on "Io ti vidi e t' adorai" from Pacini's Amazilia - Opus 128 ; 24 Prime Lezioni, Parte prima - Opus 139 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Chi t'ha fatto sta scarpettiella" - Opus 140 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air La Ricciolella" - Opus 141 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Sit u Nenna m' amave n' aut'anno" - Opus 142 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "È nato miezo mare " - Opus 143 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Si monaca te faje, io frate faro" - Opus 144 ; Variations on the Neapolitan air "Si cara, si bona, si bella e graziosa" - Opus 145. Volume 15 : Guitar solos : Opus numbers 147, 147b, 148, and 150 : La Tersicore del Nord -Opus 147 ; "Tengo più di trentun' anni" - Opus 147b ; Giulianate - Opus 148 ; Gran Sonata Eroica - Opus 150. Volume 16 : Seven Works without Opus number : Marches from Trajano in Dacia, Copriolano, La vestale, and Ricardo Cordileone (WoO, G - 1) ; Rondogino brillante (WoO, G - 2) ; Tre tema favoriti con variazioni di Mdme Catalani (WoO, G - 3) ; Scelta di Quattro pezzi favoriti esequiti da Mad. Catalani (WoO, G- 4) ; Gran variación sopra un tema savojardo (WoO, (posth.), G - 1) ; Sei arie nazionali scozzesi (WoO, (posth.), G - 14) ; Variations (WoO, (posth.), G- 15). Volume 17 : Guitar solos : seven Works without opus number : Overture to Rossini's La Cenerentola, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 11) ; Cavatina "Nel furor delle tempeste" from Bellini's Il Pirata, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 14) ; Allegro cantabile from the aria "Tu vedrai la sventurata" from Bellini's Il Pirata , arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 15) ; Variations on the Allegro cantabile from the aria "Tu vedrai la sventurata" in Bellini's Il Pirata (WoO, G- 15) : Cavatina from Donizetti's opera L' Esule di Roma, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 12) ; Allegro moderato from the duet "Se a me fido ognor sarai" in Donizetti's opera L' Esule di Roma, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G - 13) ; Cavatina "Se d' amor fra le ritorne" from Pacini's Alessandro nelle Indie, arranged for solo guitar (WoO, G- 7). Volume 18 : Guitar solos : arrangements from "Semiramide" : Overture (WoO, ), G - 5) ; "La del gange" (WoO, (posth.), G - 3) ; "Di tanti regi" (WoO, (posth.), G - 4) ; "Ah quell giorno" (WoO, (posth.), G - 5) ; "Bella imago" (WoO, (posth.), G - 6) ; "Bel raggio lusinghiero" - WoO, G - 8) ; "Serbami ognor" (WoO, G - 6) ; Seconda Marcia (WoO, G - 9) ; "Giuri ognuno (WoO, (posth.), G - 7) ; "Se la vita" (WoO, (posth.), G - 8) ; "In sa Barbara sciagura" (WoO, (posth.), G - 9) ; "Deh ti arresta" (WoO, (posth.), G - 10) ; "Al mio pregar (WoO, (posth.), G - 11) ; "L' usato ardir" (WoO, (posth.), G - 12) ; "Vieni Arsace" (WoO, (posth.), G - 13) ; La Semiramide ridotta in 12 Walzer (WoO, (posth.), G- 2 ). Vol. 19 : Six sets of Ländler for two guitars : Opus numbers 16a, 55, 75, 80, 92, and 94 : 16 Osterreichische Nazional - Ländler für zwei Guitarren - Opus 16a ; Ländler für zwey Guitarren - Opus 55 ; XII Ländler con finale per una, o due Guitarre ; 12 Laendler per due chitarre - Opus 80 ; 12 Neue Ländler für zwey Guitarren - Opus 92 ; XII Laendler per due chitarre - Opus 94. Vol. 20 : Guitar duets : Opus nombers 30, 35, 66, and 67 : Rondeau alla Pollacca (arranged from the last movement of the concerto, op. 30) ; Gran variazinoni concertanti : Milan edition, Ricorci, 1830, Vienna edition, Artaria, c. 1812 - Opus 35 ; Three Rondos - Opus 66 ; Grand Pot - Pourri - Opus 67. Vol. 21 : Opus numbers 69, 79, and 116 : La lira notturna - Op. 69 ; Polonaise from the third Concerto, op. 70 - Op. 70 ; Le avventure di amore - Op. 116.

Vol. 22 : Guitar duets : Opus numbers 130, 137, and two works without opus number [WoO 2G-3, WoO (posth.), 2G - 5] : Variazioni concertanti - opus 130 ; Tre polonese concertanti : Auswahl der beliebtesten Deutschen von Apollo - Saal [WoO, 2G - 3], Tarantella by G. Lanza, arranged by Giuliani [WoO (posth.), 2G - 5]. Vol. 23 : Three operatic overtures, arranged for two guitars : Spontini's La Vestale, Mozart's La Clemenza di Tito, Bellini's Il Pirata. Vol. 24 : Four Rossini overtures, arranged for two guitars : Elisabetta, regina d' Inghliterra, La Cenerentola, L' Assedio di Corinto, La gazza ladra. Vol. 25 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Op. 30. Vol. 26 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Opus 30 ; arranged for guitar and string quartet. Vol. 27 : Concerto for guitar - Op. 30 / arranged for guitar and piano by Anton Diabelli. Vol. 28 : Concerto for guitar and strings - Opus 36. Vol. 29 : Concerto for guitar - Op. 36 / arranged for guitar and piano by Anton Diabelli. Vol. 30 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Op. 70. Vol. 31 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Opus 70 ; arranged for guitar and string quartet. Vol. 32 : Concerto for guitar and orchestra - Op. 70 / arranged for guitar and piano by Anton Diabelli. Vol. 33 : Works for guitar and string quartet : Variations on Paisiello's "Nel cor più non mi sento", and Polonaise - Opus 65 ; Variations on "Deh! calma, o ciel" from Rossini's Otello - Opus 101 ; Variations on "Nume perdonami" from Generali's I Baccanali di Roma - Opus 102 ; Vari

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